Bold websites that simply work
About me
I create websites that are elegant and effective. With over a decade of experience, my skills span an array of disciplines that seamlessly combine design and tech. I'm based in Berlin and work with people around the world. If you want a website and are looking for a smooth ride from concept to development and beyond, I’m your guy.

Jannis Paul Wicke
Consulting: 100€/hour
Built the new website for Ampeers Energy.
Built the website for cosmic self care app Allice.
Built the website for AI call center SAAS Robonote.
Built the website to showcase the Green Purchase Toolkit with Webflow, using progressive enhancements such as the view-transition-api.
Rebuilt the already existing website in Webflow and extended it with multiple CMS collections.
Built a micropage for the ThePioneer.
Built the new landingpage for the Duffle app. Rich in animations utilizing gsap.
Built the new website for AI-driven sales platform Plato.
Built the new website for the PACT NGO. Communicating their goal of a streamlined methodology for calculating and exchanging product carbon footprints.
Built the new website for the law practice KNPZ.
Built the new website for classic car podcast Future Classics.
Built the new website for learning platform Doinstruct
Designed and built the new website for the homeopathy practice Gentle Sage.
Continuous updates and new case study pages for the Blossom design agency.
Built a micropage for the CampusPioneer initiative.
Built the new website for assessment company HiPeople.
Built the new stealth website for gastronomy start-up FREA OS.
Built the new website for finance start-up ForgetFinance.
Built the new website for tech start-up sonic.
Built the new website for AI statrup Reliant AI
Built the new website for vet statrup Filu.
Built a landingpage for Media Pioneer event series.
Built the redesigned website for the Quick Coffee podcast.
Developed a custom google map with Svelte to showcase customers all over germany on Enpals website.
Built the redesigned website for health statrup aware
Built the new website for the design and Webflow agency arise
Built the new website for the design agency Blossom Design
Built the new website for Nelly, the digital platform for medical practices.
Built the new website for IT management platform Deeploi.
Built the redesigned website for fintech start-up ForgetFinance.
Created the UX design for the tablet version of the HomeCom Easy app.
Redesigned and developed the website for musical instrument insurance.
Built the new website for B2B automation platform Procuros.
Built the landingpage for Media Pioneer's MyWay conference.
Built the website for tech start-up sonic.
Built the landingpage Media Pioneer's Klartext Tour.
Built the website for energy efficiency consultation company Enter.
Created the concept and design for contract managements platform Smartkündigen.
Built the website for reknown journalist and MediaPioneer founder Gabor Steingart.
Built the website for the Quick Coffee podcast.
Built the website for podcast radio
Built the website for health start-up aware.
Built new features and pages for fintech startup
Built the landing page for design collective BLØSSØM.
Built and optimized main features of the landing page for AI personal assistant startup Saiga.
Built the landing page for Axel Springer Audio's new podcast Wettlauf der Könige with Webflow.
Designed the landing page for play money only online poker plattform Unsmaked Poker with Webflow.
Concepted and designed the internal time tracking tool.
Designed the new Saas qm plattform for doctors and hospitals and built the landing page with Webflow.
Built the new website for fintech startup with Webflow.
Designed and developed a landing page with Webflow for Mission Zukunftsfonds, a political initiative creating a fund for Germany’s future.
Designed and developed the landing page for ThePioneerExpedition with Webflow.
Designed and developed a landing page with Webflow for Partisans Plus, a new subbranch of the media company Media Partisans.
Designed and developed the landing page to support the ThePioneer mission with Webflow.
Designed and developed the landing page for ThePioneerExperience with Webflow.
Designed and developed the website for the political journalism foundation with Webflow.
Developed the landing page for Axel Springer Audio's new podcast Dark Audio Moments with Webflow.
Master of Science in digital media
CS50 Certificate
Improved pre-existing app concept and created styleguide compliant app design.
Created an app design needed for concept changes in existing app.
Created a new concept, designed, and developed the site which previously ran on Wordpress. The new version includes an improved, dynamic, user-focused design, much improved SEO, and very good performance.
Developed and consulted for a design for an internal email.
Designed and developed the new PixelPink website.
Designed and developed the landing page to launch the media startups portal, ThePioneer. Using multiple types of media and interaction.
Designed the brand and designed and developed the new website with gatsbyjs.
Designed and developed several landing pages for the start-up Media Pioneer and their podcasts The Armericans, Wall Street Weekly and Überstunde.
Created a concept and design for an internal tool for data-management.
Built a wordpress site that the fast-growing MediaPioneer team can manage independently.
Created a concept, design and prototype for an award winning Telekom chatbot.
Developed a wordpress site for service production company Serviceria.
Designed and developed an internal email.
Concepted and designed a component-based design-system for qvsta, a platform for talent management.
Worked on the web styleguide.
Designed and developed the website for family doctor Peggy von Niederhäusern's practice.
Developed the concept and design for the social shopping app Mosaik.
Designed and created the Website for learning organisation Mindex.
Interned in strategy and creative teams working with clients like Nike, Jägermeister, IWC, and Swatch.
Gave Adobe workshops at university, participated in Adobe meetups and created Adobe featured artwork.
Designed and developed personal Website for IT-Manager Anja Lange.
Bachelor of Arts in Media and Communication Design.